You play as Tim. And you have to collect all the radioactive goop from the level. Um.. tasty goop! Anyway, you can move around with W,A,S,D and jump with <SPACE>. If the music gets too annoying, mute it with <M>. 

This was a fun experience. I got to make pixel art for the first time, and even a full tileset. I tried creating music/sound effects but I realized I wont make it to the deadline. So i used music from this wonderful pack - and sound effects from this one -

This game was made as part of the 1-bit game jam!
The source code is available here -


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Please make a Dev log about how you made the pixel art and maybe post on your you tube channel

Amazing art.

Some Suggestions:

1. should be able to teleport to the last checkpoint, in case the player falls

2. Wall slide

3.let the platforms be pass through.

Love the art style, solid platformer.